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Sang Formation
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Sang Fm base reconstruction

Sang Fm


Age Interval: 

Volta Basin - E

Type Locality and Naming

The type area for the Sang Conglomerate Fm is the series of low hills to the west and south of Sang village, where topography suggests that it overlies the Bunya Sandstone. The type locality is exposed as roadside cuttings about 0.8km west of Sang town. The Sang Conglomerate and the similar conglomerates exposed farther west near Daboya.

Synonym: Sang Conglomerate Formation

[Fig. 1. Geological map of the Volta Basin and surroundings, after Sougy (1970) and Affaton et al. (1980).]

[Fig. 2. Schematic lithostratigraphic sections showing principal lithologies and inferred correlations between Kwahu and Bombouaka group units across the Volta Basin.]

[Table 1. Published stratigraphic data available for Voltaian deposits]

[Table 2. Proposed lithostratigraphic scheme (left-hand column) compared with previous nomenclature.]

[Fig. 3. Synthetic lithologic section of the Volta Basin sedimentary infilling]

Lithology and Thickness

It consists of massive, well-cemented cobble and pebble conglomerate is interbedded with green-grey lithic and feldspar-rich sandstone bearing pebbly layers and lenticles. Pebbles include quartz and quartzitic sandstone, together with ‘basement’ lithologies such as green metavolcanic rock, jasper, porphyritic dacite, garnetiferous psammite and various types of schist and phyllite. Clasts are locally closely packed, but mostly are supported within a dark grey, pink or purple, poorly sorted, coarse sand to granule grade matrix.

Lithology Pattern: 
Aus conglomerate

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

rests unconformably on the Bimbila Fm of the Oti-Pendjari Gr

Upper contact

overlain by the Dunkro Fm

Regional extent

Volta Basin eastern sector





early-Late Ediacaran (equal durations given to Tamale Fm, Dunkro Fm and Sarg Fm in this Obosum Gr)

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

The Sang Conglomerate Fm represents high-energy fluvial channel deposits in rivers carrying molasse westwards, away from the orogen.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Prof. E. O. Obiosio, Solomon Joshua Avong and Henry Nasir Suleiman (2024)- Stratigraphic Lexicon compiled from the following books:

Carney, J.N., Jordan, C.J., Thomas, C.W., 2008. Field excursion guide and notes. In: Kalsbeek, F. (Ed.), The Voltaian Basin, Ghana. Workshop and Excursion, March 10-17, 2008, Abstract Volume. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, pp. 107-132.

Carney, J. N., Jordan, C. J., Thomas, C. W., Condon, D. J., Kemp, S. J., Duodo, J. A. (2010): Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana. Precambrian Research 183: 701-724

Coueffe, R., Vecolli, M. (2011): New sedimentological and biostratigraphic data in the Kwahu Group (Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic), southern margin of the Volta Basin, Ghana: Stratigraphic constraints and implications on regional lithostratigraphic correlations. Precambrian Research 189: 155- 175